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Inchy's Bookworm Vending Machine

Call Now to Order 800-592-4220
650.00 LBS

Product Description



Back in 2018, After decades in the vending industry, we decided to create a custom coin-operated book vending machine to help schools get new books in the hands of local kids. What developed was a national movement! We couldn't be more proud to be a part of such a warm and inspiring journey. We are proud to provide a tool for communities nationwide to gather together to help inspire kids to behave, and grow their own home library. You can see much more about the book vending story over on our website dedicated solely to our pride and joy, Inchy the Bookworm!

Inchy’s Bookworm Vending Machine™ works by rewarding kids for good behavior, good grades, and good attendance. We believe that the combination of vending books and your own personalized reward system could bridge the gap between literacy and engagement. Social responsibility should be a big part of any company. We are proud for utilizing our resources and directing them towards literacy for all students.  This program is a great way we can prepare children for the future. Let's bring engagement and excitement to reading books again!

Holds 200-300 Books

Can hold up to 20 different books, With Various Option Sizes

Create a One-of-a-Kind Custom Machine

Bring the Whole Community in for Your Ribbon Cutting

Learn More About Fundraising Options


Included with this Machine

- Custom coin mechanism designed for tokens
- Plus 100 Gold Tokens
- Customizable shelving
- Guaranteed Delivery
- Custom Wraps for Schools Available!

Contact Us for more information
Just give us a call, or fill out our contact form and we can send you everything you need regarding pricing, shipping, warranty, and more. Be sure to check out our new website at to see custom designs, see helpful resources regarding funding & more!


Need More Inchy Tokens??

(click on pic below to order)

Inchy the Bookworm Tokens




How does the program work?


Inchy’s Bookworm Vending Machine™ works by using a positive reward-based system to help encourage students to read more. The school/organization would purchase the bookworm and assign positive behaviors tailored to your school’s needs that they would like to reward. Once the student demonstrates that positive behavior the student is rewarded with the special Inchy token which can then be used to vend their favorite book. We hope this program will help bridge the gap between literacy and engagement, making reading an award instead of an assignment.


What is Inchy’s Bookworm Vending Machine™?


Inchy’s Bookworm Vending Machine™, exclusively provided by Global Vending Group (GVG), incentivizes students to read in a fun and creative way. The Bookworm is a Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) program that uses golden Inchy tokens as a reward for positive actions. Inchy tokens can then be inserted into the Bookworm machine granting the student one free book to vend and keep.


What is the price of the machine?


Price ranges from $5,300 to $6,300 depending on your needs. We have a complete outline of the program including customization of graphics, picture book trays and warranties. Please reach out through our contact from or call us to get an exact quote for your specific requirements.


How do we get service for our machine?


We have an amazing service department complete with a help desk to answer any questions. There is also a specific video to answer questions, as well as a live service technician available to facetime with your team at the machine. Extended warranties are also available up to five years on your brand new, state-of-the-art machine.


Can I customize my machine for my school, hospital or church? How does that process work?


Yes we have built a state-of-the-art print shop right here at Global Vending Group. With four graphic designers, a custom art software portal to give you backgrounds, images, and a way to upload your images, we are able to produce unique one of a kind designs in a fraction of the time with amazing results!


What funding sources are available for your product?


We have worked with a variety of sources. DonorsChoose is a very popular fundraising organization that occasionally offers matching funding. We also have seen the Education Foundation, United Way, Save the Children. Kiwanis Club, Boys and Girls Club donate machines to schools. Title One funding, Esser funding, and regional literacy grants are also available. PTO/PTA organizations have been a huge proponent from the very beginning and have worked tirelessly to ensure schools have received these machines and the books to fill the. Currently we are working with Read for My School, which allows students to be sponsored by friends and family to receive small donations for reading minutes that add up to large donations via an app that is easy to use. Please feel free to reach out to us for more information.


Where do I get the books?


We have all the sizes of the books laid out in a diagram sent to you in the initial information. Chapter books range from 5.0 inches to 5.5 inches. Picture book sizes and custom trays are also available. Typically, you can order books from your current supplier. Scholastic sometimes offers discounted books for kids who take them home. Usborne and Barnes & Noble also offer school programs. Feel free to get updated information from one of our reps for any new programs available.


How long does it take to receive our machine from the time the order is placed?


This may fluctuate depending on how many current orders we are processing. Currently we are running 4-6 weeks on a standard Inchy’s Bookworm Vending Machine™, and 6-10 weeks on a custom art order, (provided we have your graphic work done). We hope to decrease that time as supply chain issues subside.


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