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Posted by Bean Media on 6th Feb 2023
Spring Cove Elementary in Pennsylvania recently unveiled its very own Inchy the Bookworm book vending machine! The new vending machine and accompanying scavenger hunt and assembly riled up the students’ excitement about the device on January 27th.
This book machine was funded via a grant written by kindergarten teachers Casey Zimmerman and Glenda Everetts along with reading specialist Susan Zangrilli. If you’re curious about going down that path to securing the funding for your own book vending machine, check out our blog post on the topic!
The assembly the school held in late January really amped up the excitement the students had for the book machine, and the clues left by the school’s mascot in the shape of dragon paw prints added even more.
These footprint clues led to where the vending machine would be located for the assembly. The students then took turns guessing what could be under wraps in their assembly hall. After a few guesses, a kindergartener, a first-grader, and a teacher were randomly selected from the crowd to play a quick game related to the book vending machine. The contestants got special gold tokens for each correct answer. With the game complete, the contestants ripped away the paper and revealed Inchy’s original book vending machine!
Custom-Wrapped Book Vending Machines
Spring Cove’s book vending machine is wrapped in a sky blue color with a stack of books and calming, fluffy clouds. They really made it their own with our custom wrapping for vending machines at Global! If you’re feeling inspired, check out our custom wrap page for some tidbits about customizing your machine. We can do just about anything with your custom-wrapped book vending machine, just ask!
PBIS and Inchy
PBIS, or Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports, is a rewards system that gives students, well, rewards for displaying positive behavior or achieving academic success, or any other parameter set up. It’s being used by tens of thousands of schools nationwide! Check out our PBIS page to learn more about how Inchy can integrate into your existing PBIS program or be the starting piece for it.
Learn More About Book Vending With Inchy!
If you’re looking for more information about Inchy’s original book vending machine, we recently launched a website that should go a long way to answering your questions. Check it out!
Bring Inchy to Your School
Don’t wait! Getting started on bringing Inchy to your school is as easy as picking up the phone or filling out a contact form. You can follow Inchy’s progress in bringing reading throughout the country by keeping up with our blog and checking us out on Facebook!
We’ve helped thousands of schools make the reading dream a reality for their students. Make sure yours is next! Reach out through our convenient contact form or give us a call today to get started!

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