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Posted on 23rd Jul 2021
School’s out for Summer but Inchy is still reading across the country, having new book vending machine success stories what seems like every week. This week, a Wilmington elementary school received a grant to have a book vending machine installed in July, in time for the new school year!
Children love reading, and they’re super excited for Inchy to come to their school! The idea of opening a new world is thrilling to them. Today’s readers become tomorrow’s leaders!
Securing the funding
The principal secured the funding for her school’s book vending machine from the Wilmington Educational Fund Grant, a $5k grant for classroom enhancement in various areas of study. Many applicants go for this grant, but the book vending machine proposal was chosen as the best use for the money.
WEF Grants are used for innovative teaching ideas and curriculums, to help areas that either are typically underfunded like the Arts or are overlooked in school budgets. They look to target areas that other grants might miss, so check around because your area might have a similar system to get Inchy to your students!
Reading is for everyone
In fact, the top shelf of the machine will even have books stocked for the staff! Reading is for everyone, and the kids seeing their teachers getting a new book reinforces that reading is a fun pastime rather than homework to be dreaded.
Lisa King said she found the book vending machine by searching on Google for grant ideas and incentives. She came across Inchy and realized how cool the idea of a book vending machine sounded to motivate kids to read.
Similar to other fundraising book vending machine success stories we’ve highlighted, students earn tokens for good deeds and following other class rules, as well as getting a token for their birthday! Showing responsibility, respect and resilience are quick ways for kids to get tokens to turn into books.
Principal King says her school wants to promote equity and diversity in learning and reading, and this book vending machine allows her to stock books by certain authors to achieve that goal.
Contact Us!
Track Inchy’s progress through the country with us on our social media channels and blog! Want to install a book vending machine in your school? Contact us today! We’ve helped hundreds of schools in fundraising for book vending machines and yours could be next.
Our book vending machines can be wrapped in just about any design too, so you can customize them for your school. Want a wrap that has your school’s mascot? How about a neat art piece done by the student body? Maybe even something that’s unique to your town? All of those options and more are available to you. Don’t forget to call today at (800)592-4220 to see about getting Inchy to your school!

Fundraising Your Book Vending Machine | Houston Elementary Awarded $39K from ISD for Book Vending Machine & More!
On Friday may 21st, Sheldon ISD Teachers were awarded with tens of thousands of dollars in grant money for their excellence. In total, eighteen grants were awarded to educators at seven schools. The total amount? $39,286. Wow! These teachers certainly are going to have a decision to make on how to make their classrooms even better. [...]