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Posted by Bean Media on 21st Mar 2023
Hello and welcome back to the blog here at Global Vending! Today, we have a fun story from Michigan and NASCAR driver Erik Jones. Earlier this month, Erik visited his former elementary school in Byron and brought along a familiar face and his book vending machine. That’s right, Inchy’s heading to Michigan!
Byron Elementary is celebrating March as Reading Month and to aid in that celebration they’re bringing in the original book vending machine. To help that celebration even more, Erik Jones tagged along with the machine he donated to the school and stuck around to answer questions from the students.
In a story from MLive.com, Erik Jones was quoted as saying “I went here and grew up here and so to be able to do something like that (donating the vending machine) - I think it always has a little extra meaning”.
This vending machine dispenses knowledge to eager students in order to foster a love and passion for reading and education, rather than sugary snacks or carbonated colas. The best part? The machine is free for the students!
That’s got people asking - how do the students earn tokens for the book vending machine? Easy! Byron Elementary allows students to earn tokens through a reading recognition system during the month of march.
Inchy and PBIS Rewards
The original book vending machine is perfect for your school’s PBIS Rewards! PBIS, or Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support, is an initiative that encourages good behavior and can help to develop better students. How does PBIS do it? By recognizing and rewarding acts of kindness and academic achievement.
Did you know that over 20,000 schools across 44 states use PBIS rewards? It’s true! The success of the program and its continued adoption speaks for itself.
Get Your Book Vending Machine Custom Wrapped!
Our machines all have the option to be wrapped in a unique design that can be just about anything you think of. Clipart kids celebrating reading and diversity? We can do that. Your school mascot? Easy. Something unique and dear to your town or city? Let’s do it. Erik's donated design is adorned with caricatures of him, his dog and rabbit! Let your creativity flourish, check out our custom wrap page for more information.
If you’re looking for more information about Inchy’s original book vending machine, we recently launched a website that should go a long way to answering your questions. Check it out at bookvending.com!
Bring Inchy To Your School!
Don’t wait! Getting started on bringing Inchy to your school is as easy as picking up the phone or filling out a contact form. You can follow Inchy’s progress in bringing reading nationwide by keeping up with our blog and checking us out on Facebook!
We’ve helped thousands of schools make the reading dream a reality for their students. Make sure yours is next! Reach out through our convenient contact form or give us a call today to get started!

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